
Effects of exercises on cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system undergoes various changes if exercises are performed. During exercise, the cardio vascular system begins to meet the increased demands of the body in many ways. The cardio vascular system rushes oxygen to the working muscles, returns the blood to the lungs to be re-oxygenated and delivers fuel [ nutrients and oxygen ] to the active tissues of the body. In fact, the effects of exercise can be studied in the following ways: Immediate effects of exercises Long term effects of exercises Immediate effects of exercises When we perform exercises, there are some immediate effects on our cardio vascular system. The immediate effects are stated below: Increase in heart rate - Generally the resting heart rate of an adult remains at 72 beats per minute. The elite endurance athletes usually have 28 to 40 beats per minute. Even before the beginning of exercise the heart rate increases in anticipation. It is known as anticipatory response. When an individua

What is weight training? advantages and disadvantages

Weight training is defined as those exercises that are designed to strengthen specific muscles by causing them to overcome a fixed resistance, usually in the form of barbells or dumb bells. In fact, weight training refers to the exercises phase of the activity where weight in the form of barbells and dumb bells are used to condition and alter the size of various segments of the body. This is, undoubtedly, the most popular phase. Here the underdeveloped individuals strives for average or about average size in terms of muscular bulk and body weight and size; the athletes strives for increased strength and condition to become a better performer in chosen sports. Weight training method is used to develop physical fitness. Germany, probably was the first nation to use systematic weight training in the preparation for the track and field athletes at the 1936 Olympic games. Since then, the use of weight training throughout the world has become the rule rather than exception. Weight tra

effects of exercise on muscles

When we do regular exercise, some permanent changes take place in our muscular system. These changes occur only when exercises are performed daily. If we perform exercise once, there will be changes in our muscular system but only for a temporary phase. Following changes in our muscular system can be seen if exercises are done on regular basis. Change in shape and size of muscle - Through regular exercise the shape and size of muscles is changed. In fact, cells of muscles are enlarged which change the shape and size of muscle. Formation of more capillaries - When exercises are done, the color of muscles is changed, because a number of new capillaries are formed for a better efficiency of blood circulation. Muscle remains in tone position - When exercises are done on regular basis then are muscles remain in toned position. Indeed, muscles remain under some degree of contraction. Muscles becomes firm and maintains a slight, steady pulls on the attachments.  Control

Sports nutrition| meal before, during and after competition

Sports nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition and diet as it relates to performance in field of games and sports. It has a direct relationship with the type of quantity of fluid and food intake by a sportsperson. In fact, it deals with the nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water etc. I ntake of nutrition before, during and after the competition or training:- Most of the sportsperson are concerned about what to eat before, during and after the competition because intake of nutrition plays a very significant role in enhancing the performance in sports and games. However, it is also a fact that optimal health and sports performance is achieved with proper diet everyday not just the day before, during and after the competition or training. It is also essential to take a variety of foods daily in order to consume all the nutrients needed for good health and maximum performance. Intake of such nutrients cannot be denied. The explanation of

What are the pitfalls of dieting?

Nowadays everybody wants to remain slim and trim. The individuals, who are overweight or obese also want to reduce or lose weight. They use various methods of weight loss. Most of them adhere to diet to lose weight. In the beginning dieting produces good results or success. But after initial success it adds more weight later on. Even research studies indicate that 90% of the dieters gain all of their weight back and sometime more than that. In fact, we are all aware that shedding or losing weight is not as simple as it sounds. Eat less and exercise more to burn calories. We know this scientific fact but it is difficult to implement. In fact, there are some pitfalls /dangers of dieting that keep us away from losing or reducing weight. The major pitfalls of dieting are stated below:- Extreme reduction of calories   - For dieting intake of calories are reduced extremely. Research studies indicate that 1800 calories a day can not meet all the nutritional requirements of an individua

What is Healthy weight? Methods to control healthy weight!

Usually a healthy weight is that weight at which an individual leads a healthy life without any risk of diseases. It means that if an individual is at healthy weight, he can lead a healthy life. On the other hand if an individual is at unhealthy weight be it underweight or overweight he is not able to lead a healthy life. According to National Institute of Health, " A healthy weight is considered to be one that is between 19 and 25 [BMI]. If the BMI is between 25-29 an adult is considered overweight. If the BMI is 30 or greater, the person is considered to be obese." Check here what is BMI ? How to calculate BMI? In simple words, it can also be said that a healthy weight is that weight which lowers the risk for various health problems such as heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes etc. Methods to control healthy body weight:- The stress should be laid down on the following points for proper methods to control healthy body weight:

What is my BMI? How to calculate BMI?

Body mass index [ BMI ]   is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height, and applies to most adult men and women aged 20 and over. For children aged 2 and over, BMI  percentile is the best assessment of body fat. A healthy weight is considered to be one that is between 19 and 25 [BMI]. If the BMI is between 25-29 an adult is considered overweight. If the BMI is 30 or greater, the person is considered to be obese. There are two types of popular methods to find out or calculate the healthy weight that is, Height and weight chart and body mass index chart [BMI chart ] . Another method is calculate BMI . Height and weight chart      2. Method to calculate BMI If you want to know your body mass index, then divide your body weight in kg by your height in metre square.    Body mass index = Weight in kg                      or         Weight                                           Height in m2                           Height*Heigh