Effects of exercises on cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system undergoes various changes if exercises are performed. During exercise, the cardio vascular system begins to meet the increased demands of the body in many ways. The cardio vascular system rushes oxygen to the working muscles, returns the blood to the lungs to be re-oxygenated and delivers fuel [ nutrients and oxygen ] to the active tissues of the body. In fact, the effects of exercise can be studied in the following ways: Immediate effects of exercises Long term effects of exercises Immediate effects of exercises When we perform exercises, there are some immediate effects on our cardio vascular system. The immediate effects are stated below: Increase in heart rate - Generally the resting heart rate of an adult remains at 72 beats per minute. The elite endurance athletes usually have 28 to 40 beats per minute. Even before the beginning of exercise the heart rate increases in anticipation. It is known as anticipatory response. When an individua...