What is Healthy weight? Methods to control healthy weight!

Usually a healthy weight is that weight at which an individual leads a healthy life without any risk of diseases. It means that if an individual is at healthy weight, he can lead a healthy life. On the other hand if an individual is at unhealthy weight be it underweight or overweight he is not able to lead a healthy life.

According to National Institute of Health, " A healthy weight is considered to be one that is between 19 and 25 [BMI]. If the BMI is between 25-29 an adult is considered overweight. If the BMI is 30 or greater, the person is considered to be obese." Check here what is BMI ? How to calculate BMI?

In simple words, it can also be said that a healthy weight is that weight which lowers the risk for various health problems such as heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes etc.

Methods to control healthy body weight:-

The stress should be laid down on the following points for proper methods to control healthy body weight:
  • Set the appropriate goal - For losing your body weight you should set the appropriate goal that is, how much weight do you want to shed or lose? While setting the goal you should know about your capacities and capabilities. Your goal should be achievable. You may set your goal for one month. Take pledge that you will lose one kg per month. After that you can set your goal for weight control.
  • Lay stress on health not on weight - It is a well known fact that losing weight for health rather than appearance can make it easier to set reasonable goals. From the point of view of health, you should make efforts to achieve or maintain a body mass index between the range of 18.5 and 24.9 Along this, if you are a male your waist should measure less than 40 inches and if you are a female your waist should be less than 35 inches. If your BMI or waist goes beyond these limits you may have to face various diseases. So, from the point of view of health try to maintain these limits.
  • Active lifestyle - In fact, active dynamic lifestyle plays a pertinent role in controlling weight. School children should prefer to walk to school instead of going by car or motorbike. Instead of elevators they should prefer stairs. If they want to switch off the TV, they should not use remote control but should do it manually. They should not watch TV for more than 2 hours. Instead of watching TV for more hours they should go for outdoor games. In this way, they can lead a active lifestyle, which will be beneficial in weight control. 
  • Yogic exercises - Yogic exercises can help in controlling as well as maintaining proper weight. For example, Pranayama and yogic asanas specially meditative asanas are helpful in controlling weight. As a matter of fact, research studies have proved that stress and tension tend to increase weight. Meditative asanas are very beneficial in relieving stress and tension. Therefore, yogic exercises can also be used for keeping a good control and maintaining proper weight.
  • Avoid fatty foods - If you want to lose or maintain weight, you should avoid fatty foods in your diet. Fats are known to have maximum number of calories. These extra calories will be accumulated in your body. So avoid fatty foods, if you want to remain slim and trim.
  • Avoid junk foods and fast foods - Try to avoid junk foods and fast foods such as pizza, burger, chips, cookies, pastry, chocolate and cold drinks, etc. , if you want to lose weight. These food stuffs are also rich in calories. Intake of such food stuffs leads to overweight.
  • Avoid overeating - To control or maintain weight, you should not overeat it means that you should eat the food according to the requirement of your body. Suppose, you require 2000 calories per day, then you should take the food that consists of only 2000 calories. If you take 2100 calories per day, the 100 calories will be accumulated daily as fat in your body. So, you should avoid overeating.
  • Don't eat frequently - You should not form a habit to eat frequently. The children who eat frequently usually take extra calories. Therefore, they become obese. So, always avoid to eat frequently for losing and maintaining weight. 
  • Avoid rich carbohydrates food - To lose weight, avoid rich carbohydrates food. But it does not mean that you should not take carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is necessary to increase the level of energy. so, you should reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. For this purpose try to avoid sugar, rice , potatoes, toffees, chocolates and other sweets. 
  • Don't skip meals - Don't skip your meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you skip your meal, the next time you will definitely do over eating which may lead to obesity. In fact, skipping meals increases hunger, and it results in greater food consumption next time.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs - Always keep in mind that alcohol, smoking and drugs always tend to increase weight. Alcohol is directly absorbed from the stomach in the blood streams and easily store as fat . It is also applicable in case of smoking and drugs. So, never use such things, if you want to lose weight.


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