effects of exercise on muscles

When we do regular exercise, some permanent changes take place in our muscular system. These changes occur only when exercises are performed daily. If we perform exercise once, there will be changes in our muscular system but only for a temporary phase. Following changes in our muscular system can be seen if exercises are done on regular basis.

  • Change in shape and size of muscle - Through regular exercise the shape and size of muscles is changed. In fact, cells of muscles are enlarged which change the shape and size of muscle.
  • Formation of more capillaries - When exercises are done, the color of muscles is changed, because a number of new capillaries are formed for a better efficiency of blood circulation.
  • Muscle remains in tone position - When exercises are done on regular basis then are muscles remain in toned position. Indeed, muscles remain under some degree of contraction. Muscles becomes firm and maintains a slight, steady pulls on the attachments. 
  • Control extra fat - Regular exercise controls the extra fat of body. Exercises burn the calories which is taken in the form of fat. 

  • Efficiency in the movement of muscles - The movement of muscles become efficient and smooth. The movements during different activities become attractive. 
  • Delays fatigue - Regular exercise delays fatigue. The fatigue is mainly due to formation of carbon dioxide, lactic acid and acid phosphate. The accumulation of co2, acid phosphate and lactic acid becomes less in an individual who performs exercise regularly. Hence, fatigue can be delayed if exercises are performed daily. 
  • Increases food storage - The food storage capacity is increased when regular exercises are done. This storage of food can be utilized immediately when it is needed. 
  • Exercises makes the figure beautiful - If we perform regular exercise, we will be able to make our body beautiful. It can be seen in miss universe competition. Beautiful figures are appreciated in such contests. The 36-24-36 figure does not come up by chance. It is only possible through regular and various types of exercises.It is actually the muscle, which makes the shape of body. 
  • Body posture remains correct - By doing exercise regularly, the strength of muscles increases, which in turn, keeps the body posture in correct position. The postural deformities do not occur. If there is any physical deformity, it is removed by doing regular exercise.
  • Improves reaction time - Due to regular exercise, the speed of nerve impulses increases which ultimately improves the reaction time. These nerve impulses move very quickly through motor nerves from nervous system to muscle fiber. Owing to this the reaction time improves.
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