What is weight training? advantages and disadvantages

Weight training is defined as those exercises that are designed to strengthen specific muscles by causing them to overcome a fixed resistance, usually in the form of barbells or dumb bells. In fact, weight training refers to the exercises phase of the activity where weight in the form of barbells and dumb bells are used to condition and alter the size of various segments of the body. This is, undoubtedly, the most popular phase. Here the underdeveloped individuals strives for average or about average size in terms of muscular bulk and body weight and size; the athletes strives for increased strength and condition to become a better performer in chosen sports.

Weight training method is used to develop physical fitness. Germany, probably was the first nation to use systematic weight training in the preparation for the track and field athletes at the 1936 Olympic games. Since then, the use of weight training throughout the world has become the rule rather than exception. Weight training needs bodily movements similar to those in calisthenics. These movements are made progressively hard by increasing the resistance in the form of graduated weight against which specific muscle groups have to be exercised. According to logan, "Through the judicious use of weight training, we can effectively improve strength, local muscular endurance, and power, which are vital for athletes".

No doubt that weight training is one of the most common methods of increasing strength. But a question arises; should the children engage in weight training before adolescence? The controversy centres on whether weight training is capable of increasing the strength among adolescents? The recent researches indicate that adolescents can gain strength by weight training. Even weight training can be started at the age of 12, but it should be supervised by an experienced coach. Children must learn correct techniques and procedures. Many injuries occur when children compete with each other to see who can lift the more weight.

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Advantages of weight training 

There are following advantages of weight training:
  • Helps in getting good shape - Weight training is an extraordinary training. This is full of magic because it can shape up all people by using appropriate schedules [and sometimes appropriate diet]. Fat people can become trim and slim, people can put on weight if so desired. The weak can become strong and the ponderous can become more dynamic. In fact, weight training helps individuals in getting the entire body in good shape. It is beneficial not only for upper body but lower body also.
  • Best means of providing fitness - Weight training has a major advantage over other means of fitness. It takes less time, except for throwers and competitive weightlifters who need longer sessions. Optimum gains can be made by spending just one hour, three times a weak in weight training gymnasium. It enhances all the components of health related fitness such as muscular strength, and body composition. 
  • Helpful in enhancing athletic performance - A perfect weight training programme is helpful in enhancing athletic performance. The advantages of strength training to athletic performance are enormous. Weight training is one of the most significant components of conditioning programme for runners, throwers, jumpers, wrestlers, boxers and players of football, basketball and other games.
  • Best means to develop strength - Today weight training is considered as the best means of securing strength but it requires proper guidance of coaches and expert physical trainers . The weight training exercises have value but have to be done carefully and systematically. In fact, there is no other better means to improve strength, speed and endurance for application to all sports and to walks of life than by training and weights.
  • Increase bone density - Weight training helps in increasing bone density. Research studies which have been conducted in this field indicate that the risk of osteoporosis is lower foe the individuals who perform weight training exercises at least three times  a week. 
  • Reduces stress and tension - Weight training is also advantageous for reducing stress and tension. In fact, it acts like an outlet for stress and tension.

Disadvantages of weight training

No doubt weight training has various advantages, on the other hand it has some disadvantages too, which are stated below:
  • Risk of injuries - While performing weight training, there is always a risk of getting injuries specially when performing exercises without any companion. Whenever you are not able to performed the required repetitions of exercise, at that critical movement if you are alone you may be injured. So you should always have a companion or supporter with you in case the worst happens. In addition you should perform weight training under expert physical trainer.
  • Less flexibility - Weight training reduces the level of flexibility if flexibility exercises are not done along with weight training. However this is a mild or little disadvantage in comparison to many advantages. If flexibility exercises are performed persistently it will be negligible.


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