Sports nutrition| meal before, during and after competition

Sports nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition and diet as it relates to performance in field of games and sports. It has a direct relationship with the type of quantity of fluid and food intake by a sportsperson. In fact, it deals with the nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water etc.

Intake of nutrition before, during and after the competition or training:-

Most of the sportsperson are concerned about what to eat before, during and after the competition because intake of nutrition plays a very significant role in enhancing the performance in sports and games. However, it is also a fact that optimal health and sports performance is achieved with proper diet everyday not just the day before, during and after the competition or training. It is also essential to take a variety of foods daily in order to consume all the nutrients needed for good health and maximum performance. Intake of such nutrients cannot be denied. The explanation of the intake nutrition { fluids and meals} before, during and after the competition or training is started below:

Nutrition before the competition

What a sportsperson consumes before competition or training is really very important for a good sports performance. As a matter of fact, at least a week before competition an athlete/sportsperson should take complex carbohydrates foods which usually helps enhancing glycogen stores. Miller suggests that 500 to 600 gms per day may encourage muscles to store over 20 percent more glycogen. The fuel for muscles is usually provided in the meals at least 3-4 days prior to competition. Therefore, it is very important to not only take a high energy meal on the day of competition but also several days before. In fact, the intake of nutrition also depends on the intensity and type of activity being performed. Glucose is usually preferred as the best energy source specially for the activity of high intensity. 
So, before competition, the diet or meal should be rich in carbohydrates and low in fat, protein and fiber. Such type of diet may include bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables for quick energy. The day before competition, the meals should consist of rich carbohydrates such as pasta, toast bread, brown rice, or whole grains etc. High fat and protein should be avoided because they show down the digestion. Approx, 2 hours before the competition a high carbohydrate/ energy drink can be sufficient. Taking fluids helps in dehydration during competition. In fact, a little dehydration may cause poor performance. Just before the competition, a sports person should not feel hungry. He/ she should be properly hydrated. 

Nutrition during the competition

Nutrition during the competition is essential to stay hydrated and to maintain blood sugar levels. so that sports person may not feel fatigue. So  sports persons should frequently take fluids during competition. In fact, staying hydrated is the most significant factor for maintaining performance during competition. He / she should not wait to feeling thirsty. In act, the amount of fluid intake depends on climate and intensity of competition. If the duration of the competition is more than 60 minutes, a sportsperson should take small amount of carbohydrate at regular interval during competition. In this way, the blood sugar level will be enhanced and glycogen stores will not be depleted rapidly. Half cup to one cup fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during the competition is better. If the duration of competition is more than one hour, one should take small snack after a short break. If the duration of competition is less than 60 minutes, sportsperson should drink water frequently after every 10-20 minutes. 
All the events do not require extra energy during competition. Indeed, a number of research studies have shown that sports drink maybe beneficial during high intensity level activities lasting 60 minutes or longer or less intensity level activities for prolonged periods of time.

Nutrition after the competition

Nutrition after the competition is essential for getting proper recovery. such nutrition is extremely important, as it will determine the recovery and energy level of the sportsperson for the next days competitions. First of all the preference should be given to replacement of any fluids loss. They can be easily done by the intake of water or fluid replacement drink. It is equally significant to take some carbohydrate immediately within 15 minutes after competition to start restoring glycogen. For this purpose fruits, juices and sports drinks may be included. High carbohydrate drinks may be used. Meals after the competition should be taken within two hours of competition for best glycogen restoration. 100 - 200 gm carbohydrates along with lean protein like meat or chicken should be taken. Intake of protein with carbohydrates after competition will definitely help in building, maintaining and repairing muscles. At least 20 gm of protein is required after competition to enhance muscle recovery. It can be taken from the food, cheese, egg, milk and yogurt etc. After two hours of competition, A sportsperson should take a full balanced meal. In such meal, carbohydrates in the form of grains, rice, potatoes, cereals, vegetables and fruits and protein in the form of meat, fish, soyabeans, bread, peas and egg should be included. Various studies have shown that intake of carbohydrates approximately 2 grams per kg of body weight and 40 gram gms. of protein within two hours after competition speed up the replenishment of glycogen stores and recovery time.   


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