Top 10 muscle building foods

Everybody wants muscles. Everybody wants to look muscular but it is not easy to have a great physique you have to do intense workouts, proper rests, but the most important a healthy diet. According to researches a great physique or a muscular body is made up of 35% exercise, 15%rest, 5%other and 45% diet. Diet plays the most important role in bodybuilding.
Regular workout helps your muscles to grow bigger and stronger but workout alone will not get you to your goal you must have an good and healthy diet.

A good and healthy diet to build muscle and lose fat must have an variety of proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs and healthy fats. Eating right is the key to your goal. Fruits and veggies contain many vitamins and minerals which are necessary for muscle growth check here top 5 protein rich fruits to build muscles  and lose fat. Add carbs to your diet, carbs are like fuel for your body it gives you much energy to do an intense workout without fatigue. You need to follow a strict diet plan to build muscles.

Here are some muscle building foods you must include in your diet:-

  • Eggs - It will be always on top on any muscle building topic because it contains 6-8 grams of protein per egg, which is an high quality protein with all nine essential amino acids your body needs to grow muscles. It also contain valuable minerals like calcium, zinc and iron. 

  • Fruits and vegetables - Fruits and veggies contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are essential to our body. Fruits like banana, avocados, mangoes, prunes, apricot, jack fruit, guavas provide you much nutrients and proteins through which you can easily build muscles and can lose fat at the same time. vegetables like spinach, green leafy vegetables, carrots, potatoes are also good source of iron, protein,zinc which are essential to build muscles.
  • Almond - It is an healthy, protein and fiber rich delicious snack which makes it the best bodybuilding foods. This must be include in your diet if you want to make muscles. One cup of almonds contain around 30 grams of protein, 71 grams of healthy fat which provide you much healthy calories to do an intense workout, and this also provides you fiber and protein which will help you in recovery of damaged muscles. This food is boon for bodybuilders.
  • Whey protein - It is an popular protein supplement. Whey protein is made by the watery portion of milk that separates from the curd when making cheese. It is an post workout drink help bodybuilders and athletes to recover. The most known and best brand in whey protein is "Optimum nutrition's Whey protein "  
  • Milk - Milk is the an another good source of protein. It contains two types of  high quality protein - whey and casein. Milk is loaded with vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and good fats which your body needs to build muscles. Milk also contains calcium and zinc which makes  bones stronger.
  • Oats - Oats are full of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. This is an another popular food among bodybuilders. You can take it in milk, or can take oats bread, or you can make any delicious recipe from oats. Oats increased muscle growth, tissue preservation and micronutrients. 
  • Water - It helps prevent dehydration occurs due to strength training. Regulates blood flow through which digested proteins and nutrients reached damaged muscles to repair. Our muscle tissue is around 75% water .
  • Fish - Fish is an great source for omega 3 fatty acids and protein. It helps in muscle building and in losing weight. So if you are trying to put on some muscle without getting extra fat fish will be the best choice for you.
  • Sweet potatoes - Sweet potatoes contain less carbs then regular potato. The potato is very helpful in muscle building. It is an good source of protein and minerals. A research found that potatoes contain all nutrients, vitamins and minerals which our body needs to survive.
  • Tofu - It is an popular soy products with high quality proteins. It is an good source of amino acids that boosts up muscle growth.

Include at least 4 items in your diet to gain muscles.

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