Does masturbation affects your gains?

The most frequently asked questions by men and women on masturbation are "Does masturbation affects your health, fitness, gains, performance or muscle growth?" Here you will get answers of all your questions on masturbation.

First of all, masturbation is not bad for your health at all if it is done twice or thrice in a month. But if you are addicted to it or doing it everyday then stop this now it is very dangerous and can make you unhealthy mentally and physically.
Masturbation will not affect your gains and health if it is done safely and rarely but excessive  masturbating  can harm your relationships and everyday life.

Keep reading to know about benefits of masturbation , side effects of excessive masturbating  and tips to solve the problem of excessive masturbation:-

First we will discuss about the positive side or the benefits of masturbation:-

Masturbation have many benefits if it is done rarely.
It is an healthy sexual activity it has many benefits for your physical and mental health.

Research on sexual life of a human says that humans get following benefits of sexual stimulation

  • Humans feel pleasure through stimulation no matter it is sexual or masturbation stimulation they feel joy and happy after each happening
  • Masturbation or sexual stimulation makes human sleep better
  • It also relieve up stress
  • It boost up your mood
  • Makes them relax
  • Relieve cramps
  • and you can better understand your wants and needs.

Now its time to know about side effects through excessive masturbation:-

Excessive masturbation have many disadvantages. It harms you mentally and physically . It is an unhealthy activity.

Research says that 95% men between ages 15-50
masturbate, from which 35-40% people do excessive masturbation mostly aged from 18-30.
This can make their relationships or life unhealthy. 

Here are some side effects or disadvantages through excessive masturbation

  • Feeling guilty after each masturbation
  • Addiction to masturbation 
  • Spending too much precious time in masturbating
  • Weakens immune system
  • Lowers digestion process
  • face problems like chronical disorders and premature ejaculation
  • lowers testosterone levels 
  • stops muscle growth
  • loss of muscles

Tips to solve the problem of excessive masturbation:-

You can easily recover and can solve the problem of excessive masturbation by follow these tips.
You can recover from the loss by excessive masturbation in 4 to 6 months. You will start seeing results within a week .

  • Spend time with friends, it makes you happy and feels pleasure so then you don't need any other activity to make yourself happy and pleasure.
  • Go for a run which helps you in recovery and boost up your testosterone levels.
  • Keep yourself engage by writing, playing, reading do anything you want just keep yourself engage so your mind cannot distract you to masturbate.
  • Don't watch adult movie, it is an biggest reason behind every masturbation.
  • You can take testosterone boosters there are amazing benefits of testosterone which give a boost to your recovery or eat testosterone boosting foods. 
  • Keep yourself motivating and never feel guilty for your past.

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