Multivitamin| Is it necessary?

What is multivitamin?
Is it safe to take multivitamin?
Is multivitamin really necessary?
What are the cons of multivitamins?
What are the pros of multivitamins?

If you are also confused by these type of questions and thinking that we should take multivitamin or not? then this article will help you in taking the right decision.

First of all, what really is a multivitamin?
multivitamin is a preparation intended to serve as a dietary supplement - with vitaminsdietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, or injectable formulations. Other than injectable formulations, which are only available and administered under medical supervision, multivitamins are recognized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the United Nations' authority on food standards) as a category of food.

second,is it safe to take multivitamin?
According to experts review and analysis if you are taking a brand that provides ideal amounts of the various vitamins and minerals it contains (and not overly huge megadoses), and it contains the right vitamins/minerals for your specific needs (more on that later), then it’s definitely safe. There are no research proven side effects when used in this manner.
Obviously, the usual common sense warning always applies as well: If you are taking any medications or have any known health or medical issues, or are pregnant or nursing, it would be a good idea to check with your doctor first just to be sure (and always use your doctor’s recommendations over mine or anyone else’s).But if you are just a typical healthy adult using it properly, a daily multivitamin is probably one the safest supplements there is.
Now the question arises, is multivitamin really necessary?
From the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2013 comes a review of multivitamin studies. The conclusion is that multivitamins decrease overall mortality and appear to lower cardiovascular and cancer risk. Another recent study revealed improved brain function in those assigned to a multivitamin.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) also published a study showing that multivitamins significantly reduced the incidents of cancers in men.
Many believe that diet alone provides enough vitamin and mineral support. This myth is perpetuated when certain foods are labeled as a “complete source” of nutrients but no foods can provide you all nutrients your body needs. It,s still not compulsory but you should take multivitamin to stay away from any disease because we all know that precaution is better than cure.

The next question frequently arises is, What are the pros and cons of multivitamins?

  • Improve short term memory 
 In a study of more than 1000 participants, american researchers found that those who took  daily multivitamin perform 32% better on tests of recall or short term memory. 

  • Having lower risks of developing certain diseases 
  The journal of the american college of nutrition in 2013 review that  multivitamins decrease overall mortality and appear to lower cardiovascular and cancer risk. Another  recent study revealed improved brain function in those assigned to a multivitamin.
  • Supplementation helps some population meet nutritional needs 
 Some say the best addition to our diet is a multivitamin with mineral supplement. It gives necessary nutrients to elder people, people with malnutrition  who need more nutrients and vitamins as compared to normal people.

  • Taking multivitamins may not alone prevent specific disease or death
Many people think that taking multivitamins help them in reducing or preventing their disease but its not true multivitamins cannot works as an medicine yes, it can make a medicine more effective but taking multivitamin alone to prevent any disease is not an good idea.
  • Some people overdo it
Many people have myths that taking more and more multivitamins make it more effective and they can get faster results but it is not true it always leads to overdose and can leads to diseases. you must take multivitamins in correct dosage or as recommend by doctors.
  • Too many view taking it as a free pass to eating a poor diet
Lots of people think that taking multivitamin means there is no need to eat nutritional now or healthy diet is not necessary now but its not true multivitamins just helps you get some additional nutrients and vitamins they cannot replace nutritional foods.

I hope now you can take the correct decision that you should take multivitamin or not.


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